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Kelly Duffy Adventures, trying to make it in the Outdoors!

Sometimes I feel like making it in the outdoors as a profession is like a perpetual mountain climb and that cost of living will always outweigh what I can actually earn from it.

I have had a varied job life these past 10 years, mainly cafes, cleaning, dog/childcare, climbing wall, I've even grown vegetables! And more recently dipping into gym work to complete my PT diploma! But all the while my true passions have been in climbing and the outdoors, chipping away at the skills and turning them into 4 verified awards with Mountain Training.

I gave up and lost direction on many occasions and after going through a hard time with my Dads illness and untimely passing, I thought stuff it... I'm going all in! So this is my second year of going forth with Kelly Duffy Adventures and I am hoping I won't have to do a 'proper job' on the side much longer!

I'm really super proud of my achievements and other people seem to think my message is pretty cool too. Here is a little bit about me if you are new to my page or landed on my website...

I first registered with MT nearly 12 years ago, my passion for indoor climbing and sports instruction enabled me to start along my journey to becoming a qualified Climbing Wall Instructor. I even passed my award at the old Beacon, before it moved and became the modern and popular wall it is today.

Naturally I progressed onto consolidating my RCI, (or SPA in grandad rights!) and proudly gained my award to deliver Rock Climbing sessions outdoors in 2016. I have welcomed many people into the addictive sport that is climbing with clients from 5 to 75 years old. I have coached more than 1000 instructed sessions at the climbing wall and even co-delivered training for future award holders with Mountain Training providers in Wales. (Paul Poole an approved MTC Course Provider North Wales Regional Co-ordinator for The Mountain Training Association (MTA) and Andy Newton provider and trainer of MT courses, BMC technical expert)

I have my summer Mountain Leader award, and have been working in the outdoors with groups on the mountains more recently. This is probably my most proud achievement to date. My passion still lies in climbing and I hope to tick off more indoor coaching qualifications this year. I have completed my fundas 1&2 and am currently trained as a foundation coach.

I am a keen scrambler, trad-climber and enjoy summer sport particularly in hot countries. I am experienced with all age groups groups in a working capacity and consider myself to be adaptable and versatile, always offering quality instruction and remembering to make the sports fun to encourage lifelong participation to my clients.

Fancy trying new adventures in the outdoors with Kelly Duffy?

KELLY DUFFY visits DMM factory visit Llanberis


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